Monday, January 23, 2012

Week Two of the Cavalcade of Customs

          While the Cavalcade of Customs is mostly about customized rides, there are always a number of restored classics and even a good assortment of new and newer cars on display. Those unique custom rides tend to be the ones that attract the most attention. Not always, though. A couple of years ago, just inside the front entrance, was a display of some modern super cars. There were several Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche masterpieces that were drawing viewers in numbers as impressive as they were. Josh, who at the time was 15, and I were looking down at one of the bright red Ferraris when he turned to me and said, "You know, even you could get laid if you drove one of those." A couple of guys who were standing behind him had a hard time not bursting out in laughter. But the truth is, he was probably right.


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