Friday, January 20, 2012

End of the First Week of Cavalcade of Customs

          As I mentioned in an earlier post about the Cavalcade of Customs, I'd been going to this event since I was a teenager. It seems as though car culture was more prevalent back then. Maybe it was because I was so young or because of my environment but being around fast cars, going to drag races and oval and figure eight races was something that always seemed to be going on. So going to the Cavalcade of Customs just seemed to be a natural outlet for that passion.
          Another thing I remember from my youth was collecting bubble gum cards. Like most kids my preference was for baseball cards (hey, the only game in town back then was Topps) but I collected a few other kinds of cards as well, including the now classic Odd Rods cards ( as well as something I remember as Hot Rod cards. I may be a bit confused about these being two separate collections. It's a shame my parents threw all of those old cards out (along with all of my MatchBox and Hot Wheel cars). I would love to have them today. But, alas, the best I have are memories. (Cue the soundtrack for Cats)


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