Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Only Four More Days Left

          Some companies will use a car as a form of marketing. Take for example this first car. Most people have probably seen that logo before. This year's Cavalcade didn't have very many cars like that. Not to say that the vendors weren't out. There were all kinds of custom shops who were showing off their wares. Plus there were the folks wanting to sell you everything from custom wheels to a new amazing polish that will make your car or chrome literally shine. And, of course, there were the custom paint shops showing off as well.
          There were also a lot of things for the kids. Everything from stunt cycling demos to a Hot Wheels race track. Add to that the opportunity to meet and greet and get your picture taken with some "celebrities" and this is a show for all ages. I put "celebrities" in quotes because the term can mean different things to different people. For example, this year the two celebrities who were meeting fans while we were at the show were professional wrestler Rey Mysterio and someone named Billy the Exterminator. I had no idea who Billy the Exterminator was until I looked him. up. He stars in a reality show on cable's A&E Network. And, believe it or not, he is an expert in exterminating bugs. No wonder I felt a little itchy walking past him.


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