Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Week Two, Hump Day

          As I move through the second week of my picture postings from the 52nd Annual Cavalcade of Customs, I'm finding that I'm running out of things about which to write. Oh, I'm not totally out. I have something already planned for Friday. But for today and tomorrow, not a lot.
         One fun thing about the Cavalcade and other large shows is the people that you get a chance to run into. It seems as though just about every year I run into a handful of friends who are either showing their car or are enjoying the many great cars on display. This year two of the people I saw were folks whose cars I've written about this past year. Tim Klein drives a great 1968 Dodge Coronet 500 ( and was showing with his car club. Jamie Schworer has an actual movie star of a car that has been in her family for years ( I haven't added pictures of their cars because I already have them on line. But it's always fun to run into people you know at a car show.


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