Monday, May 28, 2012

Glen Este High School Classic Car Show

            For the past couple of springs Glen Este high school has hosted a classic car show in an effort to raise money for the band program. Each of the last two years the primary date has been rained out and the backup date got lost in the end of school year and beginning of car show season crunch.
            This year, though, was different. The weather co-operated and the turnout of both car owners and those who just wanted to admire the vehicles on display was fantastic. While the organizers were hoping to get about 60 cars the lot was very full to the tune of almost 110.
While the usual suspects were in good supply, there were some interesting and unique rides that showed up as well. This week I’ll share some of these, the ones you would expect as well as the ones you don’t always see. And, is usually the case, there will be some left over that I’ll get to later in the year. Hope you enjoy.


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