Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Looping the Historic Sharonville Loop

          With the first big car show of our season in the record books, there are a lot of cars to get to and pictures and stories to share. I really believe that every car has a story and the best person to tell it is the owner. Unfortunately with a couple of hundred cars lined up and down the street and filling parking lots there isn't time to talk to everyone. And some of the people with whom I'd love to chat just don't happen to be around their cars when I wander by.
          In addition I try to get a variety of different cars and different eras. Sure, I have my natural prejudices and favorites, the makes and models and years of which I am most fond. I know I tend to gravitate toward those cars but I do my best to pull away and really mix it up. Hopefully I manage to do so, not only with the personal stories about people and their rides but also about the histories I share.
          Whatever the case, the Sharonville show is always a good one. People are just itching to get their cars out, dust them off, shine them up and share them with everyone who wants to come out and enjoy these great pieces of automotive art and history.
          One other great thing about the annual Sharonville show is that it is the first time you can go out and purchase the Show and Shine Calendar. If you aren't familiar with the Show and Shine Calendar check out their web site at Of course this being the 25th year for the calendar I'm going to try to talk with some of the folks involved and do a special blog piece just about it.


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