Monday, January 9, 2012

Unpublished Cars at Cruise-A-Palooza, Until Now

          All the way back on Labor Day there was the annual mega car show at Coney Island called Cruise-A-Palooza. It is always a very big event with hundreds of great cars from all over the region. Earlier I posted some pictures from that event. You can see those posts at these links:,, and
          In addition, I picked out some of the cars that I found most interesting and wrote up some featured blogs. For example, the very first car I saw when I walked into the show was Carl Allen's great hot rod. ( That kind of set the tone for the entire show. I also featured Dale Schultz and his beautiful Packard ( One of my favorite blog titles this year was for Dave Krieger's homemade woodie that I first saw at this show. You can check out that story here: Another great car and owner I wrote about was Jamie Schworer and the "movie star" car that has been in her family for years (
          Over the next several days I'm going to try to catch you up with a lot of the cars that I didn't publish in these other blogs but that were just as amazing as any of them. Hope you all enjoy.
          As always, feel free to leave a comment or drop me an email at either or


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