Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Future Collectables

          I just saw this article on line about which cars for sale today will be collectable in the future. (http://autos.yahoo.com/news/someday--you-ll-wish-you-owned-these-cars.html) I had asked some car people that I know this question: "what cars today will people want to collect in the future. My plan was to do an article on this topic but with some of the reactions I received I'm not sure exactly which way to go with the story.
          Unlike this article I don't really think things are all that cut and dried. There are some factors that will, not only in my opinion but in the opinions of other whom I've asked, cut down on the car hobbyist industry. For one, with all of the electronics in cars these days it is much more difficult for someone to buy a car and re-build it in their garage. On the other hand, though, with the huge influx of technology and the knowledge younger generations have toward computers, this may well become a non-factor.
          So, what cars being sold today will be collectables and future classics? I'd like to hear your opinion. Do you agree with this list? Which cars are missing, in your opinion? Will the current classics, the old Chevys and Fords and Jags and Mercedes eventually go away or will they continue to be held in such high esteem?
          Please feel free to leave a comment or message here or drop me an email at either turnerbudds@gmail.com or turnerbudds@yahoo.com.


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