Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cruise-A-Palooza Rolls On

          While Labor Day generally marks the end of summer, it doesn't really mark the end of all things related to it. Yes, around here, this is one of the biggest and most anticipated car shows of the year. Not the only one, mind you, but one of the bigger draws, for both owners and those just wanting to enjoy the cars on display. While there are a number of other great shows after this one, including one that surely ranks in the top five, Cruise-A-Palooza is always one of the most fun. The weather always seems to co-operate (though sometimes it's just too damn hot and sticky, especially right by the river), it seems as though the sun keeps shining. And that was the case this year for sure. So for someone like me, it was very enjoyable to wander among the hundreds of cars and talk to all the people and snap picture after picture. I hope you are enjoying these shots as much as I enjoyed taking them.


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