Thursday, December 29, 2011

Next to Last From Newport

          When I started thinking about the things to write while showing the pictures from the Rides On Monmouth show it dawned on me how many stories I actually have from times spent in Newport. Some of them even today I'm reluctant to recall and share. Newport really was the forerunner and in many ways the model for Las Vegas.
          Today Newport doesn't have the reputation it once did. It was the site of the famous Deep Throat pornography case where the judge and jury had to watch the movie more times that you can count to determine if it was actually obscene or not.
          Instead of casinos, strip clubs and houses of prostitution there are lots of fun little shops and some good restaurants. Perhaps the best New York style pizza place in the Midwest, The Newport Pizza Company, is there. It is the closest I've ever come to finding John's on Bleeker that wasn't on Bleeker. There are also a number of good neighborhood places that offer up a variety of food. Some of them have already been featured on my other blog such as this little gem, the place I actually had a burger on the day of the Rides On Monmouth show:


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