Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Back to MainStrasse

          Now that the official car season is over I have a bunch of cars I want to write about, cars that I had the opportunity to shoot over the course of the past few months. These are all cars that have caught my attention in one way or another to the point that I want to feature them and share their stories.
        While I'm doing that I want to also share some of the pictures I managed to take at the various shows I've already posted from. When I write about and post images from a car show I generally have no particular order to the pictures I include. I generally start with the first one on the digital "roll" and put in eight or 10 or so. That always leaves a lot of other images that haven't, as yet, been published. So over the next few months I'm going to be showing the rest of the pictures.
          Today I'm going back to the MainStrasse show that first posted at the end of September. So for the next five or six posts enjoy some of the cars from this great car show and re-live those warm summer days. As always, feel free to leave comments or drop me an email at either turnerbudds@gmail.com or turnerbudds@yahoo.com.


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