Thursday, December 1, 2011

1st Church of God 7th Annual Car Show

            Just like the World Series, all grand things of summer must eventually come to an end. In the case of the summer car show season the wrap-up show this year was pretty much the 7th Annual 1st Church of God show in Amelia.
            Other than the regular cruise ins that continue throughout the year, this was perhaps the last chance for people to display their classic and collectable cars and for others to come out and enjoy them.
            The weather co-operated for this year’s show giving bright sunshine on a warm, clear autumn day. And the cars came out. Ranging from the classic Chevys and Fords to some Ramblers and AMC gems and even a very rare Phillips Berliner (to be featured in its own blog entry at a later date), there was surely something for everyone.
            Here are some of the cars from that show and as the winter rolls on I’ll be posting more pictures as well as some specific blogs about particular cars. As always, feel free to leave a comment or drop me a line at either or If you have a favorite classic or collector car, let me know that as well. 


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