Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Vintage Cars From the Clermont Sportsman’s Club Car and Truck Show

            The people who take the time to take one of those master works from the “distant” past and totally restore it to prime condition should all be saluted. These vintage classics are all worth preservation so that not only can today’s car lovers enjoy them but future generations as well.

            Since I’m of the age where I would have earned my “classic” license plate years ago, I’m familiar with all of the problems involved in keeping something over 50 running smoothly (thank you daily fiber), but when people put in the time, the energy, and yes, the money to keep some of these cars that go all the way back to the 1930s and beyond road and show worthy, they deserve to be saluted.
            Take a look at some of the beauties that were at the recent 16th Annual Clermont Sportsman’s Club Car and Truck Show and I think you’ll agree that these folks have done these cars justice.


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