Monday, November 28, 2011

20th Annual Chariots of the Past

            Parker Floor Covering was the site of one of the last car shows of the season., the 20th Annual Chariots of the Past. The name of this show alone is as classic as many of the cars that roll in. Located out on Millville-Oxford Rd. a large contingent of cars, well over 100, took advantage of a beautiful fall day to see and be seen.
            Even though this is quite a drive for many of the cars in the show (it’s almost all the way northwest to Oxford) this is always well attended. Being one of the last shows of the season it is one of the last times to show off a ride and to mingle and meet other car owners. With the weather co-operating this year it is no wonder that this show featured a great number of familiar but also new cars. Here is a first taste of some of the rides on display at this year’s show.


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