Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Car Show for Cancer Research

            Crestview Hills Towne Center is a popular shopping area with a wide variety of stores and restaurants all designed to cater to the local and regional shoppers. But once a year the Towne Center is taken over by throngs of classic car enthusiasts who are all there in order to share their passion for beautiful automobiles.
            Presented by the Northern Kentucky F-Body Association (, this year’s event donated all proceeds going to the Wood Hudson Cancer Research Association. Having had cancer touch my family as a child I am a strong supporter of finding ways to curb this deadly disease.
            Here are a few of the great cars Josh and I got the opportunity to check out at this show. By the way, that car at the top of the blog wasn't really entered into the show. It was just sitting in the parking lot near where we pulled in. It's a good show when even the spectators drive cool cars.
          In the coming weeks, as we move out of the car show season, I’ll be posting some more pictures from this and other shows. I hope you all enjoy these and, as always, feel free to leave a comment or drop Josh and me a note at


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