Wednesday, September 28, 2011

He Just Wanted a 3 Window

            After spending three years to restore a 1936 Ford, Gary Rhein decided to sell it. “I just wanted a ’33,” he explained. So four years ago he found a Ford three window from 1933 and bought it.
            “A lot of things were already done on it when I got it,” he said. That included a number of modifications made by the previous owner. “When I bought it it had power windows. I took those off to give it a more original look,” Gary said.
            The previous owner had also chopped the car four inches which Gary left on. The chopped hot rod look reminded him of cars he’d seen in movies from back in the 1950s. That also explains the current paint job. “I really liked the flames in those movies,” he said.
            In addition to the paint job, his six month renovation with this car included an all new interior and dropping in a new motor, a Chevy 382 that pushes 350 horse power. He also put in a Ford eight inch read end.
            Don’t go looking at car shows to see Gary and his beautiful ride. “I don’t like car shows that much,” he admitted, sitting in a small patch of shadow on a blistering hot August day. “I’d rather just get in and drive.”
            Drive he does. He takes it to Gatlinburg a couple of times a year and isn’t afraid to drive it all over town even though it only gets about 10 miles per gallon.
            “It’s fun to drive,” he added. “And it really catches people’s attention. The flames do that.”


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