Monday, August 29, 2011

You Can't Be In a Bad Mood in This Car

            It’s probably a natural thing for Lynn Klopfstein to love classic Mustangs. She learned to drive in her dad’s 1964 ½ pony. “It was bronze with a white top,” she fondly remembered.
            So, three years ago when she went looking for a car to drive and show, she didn’t look beyond these classics from her own past. She knew pretty much what she wanted, a mid-60s mustang with a drop top. “Yeah, I wanted a rag top,” she said.
            What she found was a 1966 convertible up in Columbus. She explained that the guy who owned it needed tuition money for his kid.
            In the three years that she’s owned the car she has done very little work to it. “We took off the split headers that the guy had put on and went back to the original exhaust,” Lynn said. In fact, she pointed out, that the car is as original as you can get, even down to the original owner’s manual. In order to round out the standard collection of books and materials, she went looking on line and found what she was missing.
            Since she’s owned this Mustang, Lynn said that she drives it every chance she gets. “I’m out there every pretty day that I get a chance,” she pointed out, adding that the car “especially likes the back roads.”
            She added that she likes to drive the Spring Time Yellow convertible with the top down but was quick to point out that she shows it with the top up.
            “I was at a show and the rules said that I had to have the top up. I realized that it looks really good with the top up,” Lynn said.
            And it also shows well, too. While Lynn said she only shows it about once a month, it is a consistent trophy winner. Up to the 31st Annual Tri-State All-Ford Show it had won in each of the shows it had entered.
            But showing it isn’t the real reason Lynn loves this car. It’s for driving. “Especially if I’m in a bad mood. You can’t be in a bad mood in that car,” Lynn said with a smile.


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